To say that Glassjaw absolutely nailed it beyond belief Thursday night would not be an over statement, but possibly an understatement of a pretty grand proportion. This despite the fact that this show should have taken place about 2 seasons ago, but didn’t due to a Glassjaw re-scheduling incident. The show started late with local punk-poppers My Body Sings Electric getting the crowd flowing.

Then, Daryl and his crew of bandmates took the stage with waves and grins and nonchalant band chat before absolutely catapulting into EYEWTKAS’s (pronounced i-wut-coz), track list in exact order. Off the rip, just about all of the middle aged men in attendance started shaking their fists with placid conviction, which was the entirety of the crowd. This fist shaking came as no surprise since Glassjaw has always been steeped in groove.
They followed that with a seemingly lengthy, boring, intermission and then played Worship and Tribute in order as well. In truth, no songs from Material Control were ever played at this show which came as a disappointment to many. Still, it was a rocking show so no one left terribly disappointed. In fact, GJ sounded spot on and really on point with their new rhythm players. Of note, the mosh pit started right around Pretty Lush and continued until the end of the show a bit before midnight, Denver time.

Per sources it was reported that most of these concert-goers actually came for the merch, as the line for shirts was longer than the line to get into the Summit music hall. Somehow there still seemed to be more Deftones shirts in the building than those of gj.
Now lets take wagers if Glassjaw will ever play in town again, and if so, if Justin Beck will shred just as well…
Check out the videos below.